ARRANGE the graphic of your own ribbon starting from the Brizzolari ideas and following our guidance.
With Tuo you can print up to 8 meters without any repetition!

Sell jeans? Do you want to customize a ribbon with your logo?
choose the base line


In our panel, choose the BASE LINE in terms of achromatic textile material and tell us the desired height.

shiny and thick textile ribbon, suitable for enhancing all the details in the best way

semi shiny textile ribbon with readable weave, suitable for deep color designs

opaque material like cotton for a more natural results


Select the BACKGROUND of your TUO ribbon.

componi step 3 eng


SELECT THE OBJECT you want to print on the BACKGROUND you previously selected, following one of the two options below:

1. Send us the PDF FILE, of your logo, design or wording you
want to print

2. Send us the TEXT FILE, you want to print and the FONT as well.


Define the ORIENTATION that means how to develop the design repetition on the ribbon.

componi step 5 eng
componi step 6 eng


CHOOSE THE COLOR, use the following options in order to define in which color we have to realize your logo, design or wording, you sent us in the 4th step.

A. Click “USE THE ORIGINAL FILE COLORS” and if possible attach some referred pantones

B. Specify THE PANTONE COLORS to be used for the text


DECIDE how to print the ribbon: single or double side.

componi step 7 eng

logo tuoribbon retina

your own ribbon at 50%

Do you want your

own custom ribbon?