Is it possible to print a white logo on a coloured background? White will be really white?

TUO uses a digital printing technique in four colours, we don’t print a colour on another colour’s background but we start from a white ribbon on which we will print your design/logo/pattern. If we have to print a white logo we simply leave this part white.

In order to have a clear white we kindly suggest you to print on front and back side (FR) or only on front side of the ribbon (SF). It would be better not to have a full printing on the back, that is to say without the logo (FRN).

Does the printing on the back side of the ribbon correspond to the front side?

Yes, the front side and the back side of the ribbons perfectly correspond each other. The textile ribbon has a light transparency and if we don’t have a perfect connection between the front and the back side of the ribbon we would have a dirty design/logo/pattern. For this reason, if your logo will have a text, on the back side you will have a reverse text, such as it would have been woven directly on the ribbon.

In order to have a high definition design we suggest to print only one side, while if you would like to get brilliant and stronger colours we suggest to print both sides.

Which is the minimum of quantity?

Our minimum of quantity is 250 mt.

In order to get better rates we kindly suggest you to print at least 1.000 mt

Which is the maximum length of the TUO printing on the ribbon?

Tuo doesn’t have a fixed printing plan, it’s possible to create a printing file with a length of max 8 mt.

Let your imagination run free, you can print almost everything on the ribbon: poems, recipes or a love message.

Which are the benefits of TUO?
Why we should choose TUO instead of another kind of traditional personalization?

  1. We choose TUO because it doesn’t have any limits of colours and design
  2. We choose TUO because we can have the printing on both sides
  3. We choose TUO because the minimum of quantity is really low
  4. We choose TUO because there are NO printing plate charges
If you are going to choose TUO, let your imagination go wild: instead of having a standard personalised ribbons with only one colour background and text or logo you can choose to have a different background (with more then four colours, it can be a picture or a material such as wood) and a coloured logo. Think of your new design!

Is it possible to receive some samples to show to the clients?

Yes, of course, it’s possible to buy a samples’ kit composed by charts of TUO Create, TUO arrange, TUO for Wedding and all the neutral material.

Is it possible to print golden details?

Since it’s a four-colours printing, it’s possible to print gold but it won’t be brilliant/metallic gold.

If you would like a metal gold printing, the only possibility is to have a hot printed personalized ribbon with a simpler logo.

In which size we are going to receive the product?

You can choose to have 250 mt bobbins with carton flans, otherwise you can get smaller bobbins of 15 mt or 20 mt.

If you are going to use the ribbon internally we kindly suggest you to ask for a 250 mt bobbin, it would be cheaper and you won’t have any waste of material. If you are going to sell this product it would be better to buy smaller bobbins of 15 mt.

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